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Amur Leopard

Learn more about the Amur Leopard and other endangered species on our social media channels. We are posting daily. You also get information about small but impactfull organizations for all specific species and other background stories.


SAWAPA (Safe and Protect All Wild Animals) is a dedicated non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of endangered wildlife around the world.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that every animal has the right to live freely in its natural habitat, safe from the threats of poaching, habitat destruction and climate change.

Organisation of the month

Each month, we feature a smaller organization that we think is making a big impact in its field. Many organizations do not have the time or money for a large social media presence. All featured organizations can be found in the top section.

Saola Working Group (SWG)

The SWG operates under the auspices of the Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. Although it’s part of a larger entity, the SWG focuses specifically on the conservation of the saola, making it a specialized and influential group in its niche. They work with local governments, communities, and other conservation organizations to implement conservation strategies, conduct research, and raise awareness of the Saola’s plight.

Their efforts are critical to the survival of the saola, focusing on habitat protection, anti-poaching activities, and the development of captive breeding programs. The Saola Working Group’s focused approach and dedication to a single species in a specific region exemplifies the impactful work that smaller organizations can achieve in conservation.

“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.”

Charles Darwin

“Humanity’s true moral test, its fundamental test…consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals.”

Milan Kundera

“Animals can communicate quite well. And they do. And generally speaking, they are ignored.”

Alice Walker


Reviving the Rainforests of the Sea:
A Coral Restoration Tale

Coral reefs are not only beautiful but also essential for marine life and human societies. They provide food, protect coastlines, and support economies. Let’s work together to protect and preserve them for future generations. Despite facing unprecedented threats from climate change, pollution, and overfishing, these ecosystems remain a diverse and wondrous world of the sea.

The Coral Restoration Foundation is a non-profit organization that confidently aims to restore coral reefs to their former glory. We use innovative techniques, such as coral nurseries and outplanting, to grow corals in underwater gardens and later transplant them back to degraded reefs.

Our work has a significant impact on the environment beyond the boundaries of the Florida Keys. The success of CRF has inspired a global movement, with similar restoration initiatives emerging worldwide. Our passion, dedication, and innovative science have proven to be effective in reversing the tide of destruction and giving coral reefs a fighting chance.


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